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Three key features and five examples of use of


Three Key features

Three unique features


The biggest attraction of DOKODEMO Door® is that it is a live-action Metaverse based on live-action footage. Unlike worlds created with CGI, you can experience the feeling of actually being there. You can only truly understand this by putting on a VR headset and experiencing it. The photo shows Untouchable's Shibata trying it out on MX TV's "Eejanaika."


The overwhelming sense of immersion is amazing enough, but DOKODEMO Door® also features an automatic translation function for conversations, making it possible to have conversations in multiple language pairs in the same space in real time. The photo above shows a Vietnamese speaker explaining something to a Japanese speaker and the conversation being displayed on the screen. Even if multiple languages are being spoken, everything can be understood, so even if you can't speak that particular language, you can easily communicate.


Add the Metaverse to your site


You can embed worlds created with DOKODEMO Door® on your own website, allowing your customers to experience the feeling of being in the actual place directly, whether it be a ceremony hall, a venue, a real estate property, a construction site, a factory, or a travel destination or accommodation facility that you want to present in 360 degrees. This can be useful for differentiating yourself from your competitors and for creating buzz.




5 Use Cases


Recreation at elderly care facilities

There are many people who want to travel but cannot, such as those living in elderly care facilities or hospitals. By providing these people with an easy travel experience, we can increase their satisfaction and bring joy back into their lives.


Preserve your precious memories in the Metaverse

Up until now, memories have been written down on paper or stored in photos and videos. However, by storing them through DOKODEMO  Door®, you can relive those memories at that time and place. Because these are important memories, it would be nice to not only look at them, but also experience them. Let's spread the word about taking 360-degree videos on special days.

Memories in VR


Check out overseas trips in-store with VR

Before travelling to a destination, people would often look at pamphlets at travel agencies, etc. From now on, if there is a place you want to go to, all you need to do is to put on a VR headset and check it out. The value of the trip will increase dramatically as there will be no mismatches such as "when I got there, it was a little different than what I expected."

Use VR to scout out your trip



School and facility tours

VR is also ideal for tours of various school facilities, from universities to nursery schools. By allowing those who are looking to work at or enroll in these facilities to take a look around beforehand, we believe that this will lead to a comfortable school life without any mismatches.

The photo shows a scene from a VR shoot at a nursery school in Tokyo for a tour. A major feature of the Reality Metaverse is that it gives a realistic feel to the actual nursery school, rather than a dressed-up photograph.


Classes and training in VR

While it is also very difficult to convey in a photograph, VR makes it possible to film seminar venues and school classes – regardless of size – and publish them as part of a Metaverse world. Click the button below to see videos of small seminars that are already available. There are people sitting around you, so you can experience the feeling of actually participating in the seminar. Live streaming is also very effective for this. For example, students who cannot attend school can participate in classes using VR headsets, and private in-house training and various meetings can be held, providing a sense of participation that is completely different from regular archived streaming.


Experience the seminar

These are the three features and five examples of how to use it.

Next Reaction

Please see for yourself whether the above features and examples of use are true. This platform has already been launched. After that, companies that have noticed it will start considering using it, and once they learn about the low cost and easy system, they will find various ways to use it.



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